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Build and explore your pathway! (Beta)
Trying to plan your long-term career goals? Or just curious about what could come after the programs you’re interested in? The Pathway Builder can help you visualize your career trajectory and learn what your future can look like. Think of it as a “choose your own adventure”!
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Select a field to explore
There are many exciting career fields that are open to you as you plan your journey. Remember that choosing a career field or job doesn’t mean you have to stay in that field for life; plenty of people move between fields throughout their careers.
While we have a limited number of career fields currently available, we will continue to expand the possibilities! To keep up-to-date on changes being made to the Pathway Builder (including new career fields available), be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
Information technology (also called “IT”) is the use of computers to store or retrieve data and information. Someone who works in IT works with computers (in addition to their human co-workers!) in some way. This can involve designing, developing, or supporting the function of software, hardware, and multimedia systems.
Health Sciences and Technology encompasses many paths, some of which are “clinical” — focused on treating patients — while others are “administrative” — focused on keeping a health system running. All Health Sciences and Technology workers promote health and wellness in whatever environment they work.
Which career path would you like to explore?
There are many exciting career paths that are open to you as you plan your journey. Remember that choosing a particular path doesn’t mean you have to stay on that path for life; you can always try something new!
Choose your first step
There are many fulfilling roles that you can obtain through Progressive Pathway programs. Some even offer schedules that allow you to work while you earn your credential! It is important to note that though a rewarding and successful career is possible without one, the highest paying jobs in this career path typically require a Bachelor’s degree. What type of program would you be interested in as your first step?
Which job title will you pursue?
Some programs offer multiple job options upon completion. Different jobs offer different experiences, wages, likelihood of advancement, and long-term stability or growth potential.
What’s your next step?
There are many factors that can contribute to this choice. Consider the length, financial cost, and potential job titles for each program, in addition to your personal level of interest and excitement. Keep in mind that while you can always choose to end this pathway here, more education can unlock higher income potential and greater job stability in many cases.
How to use the Pathway Builder
The Pathway Builder is a tool to help you explore and long-term potential of your career plans. With this tool, you will build a Progressive Career Pathway, which allows you to alternate between training or education programs and work experience.
On each screen, you will be presented with a choice. First, you will choose your career field of interest, and then your career path of interest. After this, you will alternate between programs and jobs until you either reach the end of the pathway that we have built or click the gray button labeled I want to end my pathway here and finish with my last selected job title.
You’ll notice that as you use the Pathway Builder, there are three circular black buttons in the top-right corner of the page. They are: 1) Restart, represented by a circular arrow; 2) Back, represented by a left-facing arrow; and 3) Help, represented by a question mark.
If ever you decide you want to return to the beginning of your pathway and start fresh, click the Restart button. This will return you to the career field selection screen. If you want to move back one step in your path and change a decision you made, click the Back button. This will take you back to the previous screen. If you ever find yourself wondering what certain terms mean, how to use any of the buttons on screen, or where the information we display comes from, click the Help button. This will pull up a window with a brief set of instructions and background information to help you navigate.
A few quick reminders:
1. While the Pathway Builder contains lots of high-quality information, it is not an exhaustive resource. Sometimes, there will be missing information. If you ever do run into any issues, please reach out to us and let us know.
2. We love everything that the Pathway Builder can do, but it’s not a substitute for a great career guide. If you want to talk through anything you see here, reach out to a mentor or career advisor. If you don’t yet have a career guide, get in touch with your nearest American Job Center. They’ll help you think through your plan beyond the Builder.
3. Whether your pathway ends up looking exactly how you planned it or completely different, your pathway is your own. What’s right for you might not be the same as what’s right for somebody else, and that’s great!
We hope the Pathway Builder helps you explore (and get excited for!) your future. If you have any suggestions or feedback for us, positive or constructive, send us a message. We’d love to hear from you. Enjoy the Builder!
Great job! Let’s look at the pathway you built
Your choices have led you to the end of this pathway (at least, the end of the pathway we have mapped out). There is always potential for promotions in your workplace, transitioning to new career paths or career fields, or changes in the job market that create new kinds of jobs. Click here to learn more about transferable skills, which can help you move between career fields with the skills you have already gained in this journey.

Your Pathway Stats
Estimated time spent in career training programs: BLANK
Estimated cost of career training programs: BLANK
Final wage range: BLANK